Every time I see a post that someone wants money for something I am reminded that I never manifested my homes, cars, country clubs, land, businesses, or relationships by desiring money!
1st, just except that you came worthy at the same level you know you came with breath. Forget what your mind believes, just HOLD and Expand the frequency of what you want to attract,
I ONLY focused my energy on point
A = Vision, Desire, and Z = Outcome. Saying, ‘For this or something better for the highest good of all with EASE & GRACE, allow it to fall apart if it isn’t.”
Because Seriously, why would you want something that was a struggle to keep or not your highest good?
That is it. It is none of my business how the Divine Higher Intelligence makes that happen, my job was to hold the energy and to keep expanding the sensations.
To deeply feel the joy of seeing it done through my delightful creative self, that could see myself ...
OK, let's take a home as an example. I either designed it on paper (brings vision more quickly into form) or held a clear vision of what I desired. I saw myself walking up to my 'Home' so grateful and delighted in what I was FEELING, SMELLING, HEARING, and SEEING. I might even be laughing at the knowing the Universe wants nothing more that to create my dreams into form, especially BEAUTY.
I feel the gravel under my feet and turning into a stone walkway as it winds to my dream 'home' (describe it) with beautiful landscaping and the smells of flowers, damp earth from a recent rain, birds chirping and flying to their nests in nearby trees. I see the light reflect off the windows of the newly build atrium separate of the main home off to the right with it’s ancient door open awaiting my arrival to once again pot more seeds or flowers or read in a comfy chair where I am among what I love…
OK, you get it, just keep diving into ALL YOUR SENSES! And Keep the EGO Mind out of this!